Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 555-563.doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2019.03.13

• Systems Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Validation method for simulation models with cross iteration

Ke FANG*(), Kaibin ZHAO(), Yuchen ZHOU()   

  • Received:2017-12-27 Online:2019-06-01 Published:2019-07-04
  • Contact: Ke FANG;;
  • About author:FANG Ke was born in 1977. He is a Ph.D. and an associate professor in Harbin Institute of Technology. He was at Arizona State University as a visiting scholar from 2014 to 2015. His research interests are simulation systems, verification, validation & accreditation, and model validation.|ZHAO Kaibin was born in 1986. He received his M.S. degree in guidance navigation and control from Harbin Engineering University in 2013. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in control science and engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology. His current research focuses on model validation for complex simulation system.|ZHOU Yuchen was born in 1991. He received his M.S. degree in control science and engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2014. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree at Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests are simulation systems, verification, validation & accreditation, and model validation.
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61374164);This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61374164)


Cross iteration often exists in the computational process of the simulation models, especially for control models. There is a credibility defect tracing problem in the validation of models with cross iteration. In order to resolve this problem, after the problem formulation, a validation theorem on the cross iteration is proposed, and the proof of the theorem is given under the cross iteration circumstance. Meanwhile, applying the proposed theorem, the credibility calculation algorithm is provided, and the solvent of the defect tracing is explained. Further, based on the validation theorem on the cross iteration, a validation method for simulation models with the cross iteration is proposed, which is illustrated by a flowchart step by step. Finally, a validation example of a sixdegree of freedom (DOF) flight vehicle model is provided, and the validation process is performed by using the validation method. The result analysis shows that the method is effective to obtain the credibility of the model and accomplish the defect tracing of the validation.

Key words: validation method, simulation model, cross iteration, validation theorem, validation example