Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 731-747.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000063
Zhiming LIU1,2(), Jens BORNEMANN1,*(
), Shaobin LIU2(
), Xiangkun KONG2(
About author:
Supported by:
Zhiming LIU, Jens BORNEMANN, Shaobin LIU, Xiangkun KONG. Investigations and prospects of Fabry-Perot antennas: a review[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(4): 731-747.
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Table 1
Comparison of the existing works"
Reference | Feature | 10 dB impedance bandwidth | Relative 3 dB gain bandwidth/% | Max. Gain (dBi/dBic) | GBP | Height | PRS technology |
[ | Low-profile | 3.7 GHz | ? | 14.81 | ? | 0.05λ | One-layer PRS |
[ | Low-profile | 9.35 GHz | ? | 13.5 | ? | 0.10λ | Substrate-integrated |
[ | Low-profile | 10.5 GHz | ? | 15.0 | ? | 0.30λ | Substrate-integrated |
[ | Low-profile | 9.95 GHz | ? | 12.5 | ? | 0.11λ | Substrate- integrated+AMC |
[ | Low-profile | 9.8 GHz | ? | 13.5 | ? | 0.12λ | PRS-AMC |
[ | Wideband | Around 5% | 15.1 | 19.5 | 1346 | 1.41λ | Three-layer FSS |
[ | Wideband | 8.6?11.2 (26.2%) | 28 | 13.8 | 672 | 0.51λ | One-layer FSS |
[ | Wideband | Around 7.1% | 6 | 17.44 | 333 | 0.95λ | Two-layer FSS |
[ | Wideband | Around 25% | 15.7 | 16.2 | 654 | 0.54λ | One-layer FSS |
[ | Wideband | ? | 54.2 | 16.4 | 2366 | 1.01λ | TPG all-dielectric |
[ | Wideband | 10?18.4 (59.2%) | 57 | 20.2 | 5969 | 0.9λ | TPG all-dielectric |
[ | Wideband | 5.8?16 (93.6%) | 86.3 | 14.2 | 2270 | 1.31λ | Truncated three- layer dielectric |
[ | Dual-band | 2.42?2.6 (7.2%) 5.2?5.8 (10.9%) | 7 11 | 14.9 14.2 | 216 289 | 0.45λ 1.0λ | Two-layer FSS |
[ | Tri-band | 5.1?5.5 (7.5%) 9.6?10.2 (6.1%) 14.4?16.0 (10.5%) | ? ? ? | 13.4 18.9 20 | ? ? ? | 0.36λ 0.68λ 1.04λ | Two-layer FSS |
[ | Circular polarization | 6.8?11.2 (48.9%) | 50.3 | 14 | 1263 | 0.53λ | One-layer FSS |
[ | Frequency reconfigurable | 4.55?4.7 (3.3%) 5.37?5.63 (4.7%) | 11.9 8.2 | 13.1 17.1 | 243 421 | 0.42λ 0.50λ | One-layer reconfigurable PRS |
[ | Radiation pattern reconfigurable | 5.5 GHz | ? | 10.4 | ? | 0.46λ | One-layer FSS with PIN diodes |
[ | Wideband+polarization reconfigurable | 2.2?2.72 (21%) | 14.6 | 15.1 | 472 | 0.5λ | One-layer FSS |
[ | Polarization reconfigurable | 10.3?11.22 (8.6%) | 7.1 | 12.5 | 126 | 0.53λ | PCM |
[ | Circular polarization+ Low-RCS | 10.5?10.78 (2.6%) | ? | 10.2 | ? | 0.43λ | One-layer PRS +AS |
[ | Wideband+Low-RCS | 8.64?12.07 (33.1%) | 25.4 | 17.08 | 1297 | 0.68λ | One-layer FSS |
[ | Wideband + Low-RCS | 8.48?12.21 (36.1%) | 25.5 | 17.2 | 1338 | 0.73λ | One-layer embedded CPCM |
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