Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 1109-1121.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2024.000040
• ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Chenghu CAO1(), Yongbo ZHAO2,*(
Yongbo ZHAO;
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Chenghu CAO, Yongbo ZHAO. Multiple-model GLMB filter based on track-before-detect for tracking multiple maneuvering targets[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(5): 1109-1121.
Table 1
Main parameters"
Symbol | Parameter | Value |
Blurring factor | 1 | |
Source intensity | 1 | |
Sampling time interval/s | 1 | |
Survival probability | 0.98 | |
SCR | SCR/dB | {8,9,10,12,13} |
Intensity of the clutter | {60,90,120,150} | |
Cell side length | ||
Illustrating template | ||
Shape and scale parameter |
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