Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2007, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 304-310.
• MILITARY SYSTEMS ANALYSIS • Previous Articles Next Articles
Gao Liju & Wu Yuqiang
The exponential stability is investigated for a class of continuous time linear systems with a finite state Markov chain form process and the impulsive jump at switching moments. The conditions, based on the average dwell time and the ratio of expectation of the total time running on all unstable subsystems to the expectation of the total time running on all stable subsystems, assure the exponential stability with a desired stability degree of the system irrespective of the impact of impulsive jump. The uniformly bounded result is realized for the case in which switched system is subjected to the impulsive effect of the excitation signal at some switching moments.
Gao Liju & Wu Yuqiang. Exponential stability of impulsive jump linear systems with Markov process[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2007, 18(2): 304-310.
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