Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 243-251.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2021.000021
• RELIABILITY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Junming HU1,2,3(), Hongzhong HUANG1,3,*(
), Yanfeng LI1,3(
Hongzhong HUANG;;
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Junming HU, Hongzhong HUANG, Yanfeng LI. Bayesian estimation of a power law process with incomplete data[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 32(1): 243-251.
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Table 1
PLP simulation procedures"
Step | Content |
1 | Set the parameters |
2 | Generate the failure number |
3 | Generate |
4 | Generate the failure times |
5 | Sort |
Table 2
Inference results of different data types"
Data type | Mean estimation | Credible interval | |||
| | | | ||
Complete data | 40.61 | 0.591 5 | [21.17, 59.05] | [0.505 1, 0.675 9] | |
Left censored | 42.14 | 0.600 7 | [21.55, 59.24] | [0.514 9, 0.685 2] | |
Interval censored | 41.91 | 0.599 8 | [21.57, 59.20] | [0.511 7, 0.683 0] |
Table 3
Parameter interval estimates for complete ${{(r = 1)}}$ data and incomplete ${{( r\geqslant 2)}}$ data "
| | | 95% credible interval of | 95% confidence interval of | 95% confidence interval of | |||||||||
Mean | MLE | Mean | MLE | MCMC | Width | CCI | Width | GCI | Width | |||||
1 | 0.131 5 | 0.107 2 | 0.551 2 | 0.569 0 | [0.060 6, 0.246 9] | 0.186 3 | [0.039 4, 2.104 5] | 2.065 1 | [0.008 1, 1.424 4] | 1.416 4 | ||||
2 | 0.146 6 | 0.1238 | 0.536 0 | 0.551 9 | [0.073 8, 0.257 2] | 0.183 4 | [0.046 3, 2.681 1] | 2.634 8 | [0.010 3, 1.614 0] | 1.603 7 | ||||
3 | 0.150 6 | 0.1676 | 0.530 3 | 0.515 9 | [0.075 4, 0.262 3] | 0.186 9 | [0.059 0, 5.265 2] | 5.206 2 | [0.013 7, 2.074 1] | 2.060 5 | ||||
4 | 0.151 3 | 0.1835 | 0.529 3 | 0.505 2 | [0.074 6, 0.265 1] | 0.190 5 | [0.065 6, 7.211 6] | 7.146 0 | [0.015 1, 2.343 7] | 2.328 6 |
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