Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 1337-1356.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2022.000155
Yuxiang XIE1,*(), Quanzhi GONG1(
), Xidao LUAN2(
), Jie YAN1(
), Jiahui ZHANG1(
Yuxiang XIE;;;;
About author:
GONG Quanzhi
Supported by:
Yuxiang XIE, Quanzhi GONG, Xidao LUAN, Jie YAN, Jiahui ZHANG. A survey of fine-grained visual categorization based on deep learning[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 35(6): 1337-1356.
Table 1
Common public datasets for fine-grained visual categorization"
Dataset | Number | Type | Year | Theme | Annotation |
Oxford Flower [ | 8 189 | 103 | 2008 | Flowers | Texts |
CUB-200-2011 [ | 11 788 | 200 | 2011 | Birds | BBox/Part/AL/Texts |
Stanford Dogs [ | 20 580 | 120 | 2011 | Dogs | BBox |
Stanford Cars [ | 16 185 | 196 | 2013 | Cars | BBox |
FGVC Aircraft [ | 10 000 | 100 | 2013 | Airplanes | BBox/HL |
VegFru [ | 160 731 | 292 | 2017 | Vegetable/fruit | HL |
iNat2017 [ | 857 877 | 5 089 | 2017 | Animals/plants | BBox/HL |
RPC [ | 83 739 | 200 | 2019 | Products | BBox/HL |
Table 2
Recognition accuracy of some excellent methods on public datasets %"
Method | Year | Backbone | Annotation | Accuracy | ||
CUB | Cars | Air | ||||
S3Ns [ | 2019 | Resnet-50 | / | 88.5 | 94.7 | 92.8 |
LCA-CNN [ | 2019 | Inception V3 | / | 90.8 | − | 92.1 |
DB-GCE [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 88.6 | 94.9 | 93.5 |
GCL [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 88.3 | 94 | 93.2 |
Bi-Modal PMA [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | Text | 88.7 | 93.1 | 90.8 |
DF-GMM [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 88.8 | 94.8 | 93.8 |
LDOP [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 88.9 | 94.2 | 92.3 |
FDL [ | 2020 | DenseNet161 | / | 89.1 | 94.0 | 91.3 |
MMAL-Net [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 89.6 | 95 | 94.7 |
PMG [ | 2020 | ResNet-50 | / | 89.6 | 95.1 | 93.4 |
API-Net [ | 2020 | DenseNet-161 | / | 90 | 95.3 | 93.9 |
CAP [ | 2021 | ResNet-50 | / | − | 94.9 | 94.9 |
CAL [ | 2021 | ResNet-101 | / | 90.6 | 95.5 | 94.2 |
CCFR [ | 2021 | ResNet-50 | / | 91.1 | 95.5 | 94.1 |
AFTrans [ | 2021 | ViT | / | 91.5 | 95.0 | − |
TransFG [ | 2021 | ViT | / | 91.7 | 94.8 | − |
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