Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 374-395.doi: 10.23919/JSEE.2023.000019

• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING • Previous Articles    

Network-based structure optimization method of the anti-aircraft system

Qingsong ZHAO1,*(), Junyi DING2(), Jichao LI1(), Huachao LI1(), Boyuan XIA1   

  1. 1 College of Systems Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
    2 International Office of Cooperation and Exchanges, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
  • Received:2021-03-15 Online:2023-04-18 Published:2023-04-18
  • Contact: Qingsong ZHAO;;;
  • About author:
    ZHAO Qingsong was born in 1975. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2002 and 2008, respectively. He is a professor in National University of Defense Technology. He was a visiting scholar with the Department of Technology Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. His research interests include system integration, defense acquisition and system-of-systems architecture design and optimization, and complex system analysis. E-mail:

    DING Junyi was born in 1995. She received her M.S. degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2019. She is a program manager at the International Office of Cooperation and Exchanges, National University of Defense Technology. Her research interests include system-of-systems modeling and evaluation, network modeling, and temporal constraint resolving. E-mail:

    LI Jichao was born in 1990. He received his Ph.D. degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2019. He is an associate professor in National University of Defense Technology. His research interests focus on studying complex systems with a combination of theoretical tool and data analysis, including mathematical modeling of heterogeneous information networks, applying network methodologies to analyze the development of complex system-of-systems, and data-driven studying of the collective behavior of humans. E-mail:

    LI Huachao was born in 1994. He received his B.S. degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2022. He is a M.S. candidate in National University of Defense Technology. His research interests include system of systems engineering, complex systems, and systems evaluation and optimization. E-mail:

    XIA Boyua was born in 1994. He received his M.S. degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, in 2017. He is a Ph.D. candidate in National University of Defense Technology. His research interests include defense acquisition, complex systems, and system portfolio selection and optimization. E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (72071206)


The anti-aircraft system plays an irreplaceable role in modern combat. An anti-aircraft system consists of various types of functional entities interacting to destroy the hostile aircraft moving in high speed. The connecting structure of combat entities in it is of great importance for supporting the normal process of the system. In this paper, we explore the optimizing strategy of the structure of the anti-aircraft network by establishing extra communication channels between the combat entities. Firstly, the thought of combat network model (CNM) is borrowed to model the anti-aircraft system as a heterogeneous network. Secondly, the optimization objectives are determined as the survivability and the accuracy of the system. To specify these objectives, the information chain and accuracy chain are constructed based on CNM. The causal strength (CAST) logic and influence network (IN) are introduced to illustrate the establishment of the accuracy chain. Thirdly, the optimization constraints are discussed and set in three aspects: time, connection feasibility and budget. The time constraint network (TCN) is introduced to construct the timing chain and help to detect the timing consistency. Then, the process of the multi-objective optimization of the structure of the anti-aircraft system is designed. Finally, a simulation is conducted to prove the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method. Non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm-II (NSGA2) is used to solve the multi-objective optimization problem and two other algorithms including non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm-III (NSGA3) and strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm-II (SPEA2) are employed as comparisons. The deciders and system builders can make the anti-aircraft system improved in the survivability and accuracy in the combat reality.

Key words: anti-aircraft system, optimization, combat network model (CNM), causal strength (CAST) logic, influence network (IN), time constraint network (TCN)